Rachel's SEO Tips

How to Optimise Your Own Website for Google

how to optimise your website

Optimisation Explained

Whether you have a WordPress website, Magento, Wix, or any other content-managed website, you should be looking at a full optimisation. Why? Because Google can’t rank your site if it doesn’t know what it’s all about.

Most websites these days are very image orientated and that’s great for visitors, but not so great for the google-bots. If all you have is lots of images and a limited amount of text then they won’t know how to rank you.

Here’s an Example:

benhomes – A furniture website specialising in dining chairs

The company wanted to push their dining chair range over everything else as they are easy to pack, are light-weight so therefore cost less to send and they are competitively priced so they have a great USP.

You might notice that I have highlighted the word dining chairs in my description. This is because I have made the phrase into a back-link. This term simply means, a link pointing to your website or an area within your site that you want to rank for.

What else could I do in order to push their range of covered dining chairs

I would look at their ‘meta tags’ in detail. Do they have any? If the answer is yes then I’d bet that they aren’t search-friendly or perhaps they are a little off point. I’d check all of their images for ‘alt tags’ they probably don’t have any at this point. Next I’d look through the site text and see how I could improve it so that search engine’s might read it and rank it accordingly. I’d make it easy for Google in particular to see what it’s all about.

So for instance, here is one of their most popular chairs:

Pink Velvet Dining Chair

pink velvet dining chair

I would make sure that I have described the chair exactly as it is, but also in the right way for Google to rank it well. Pink velvet dining chair produces almost 2,000 searches in the UK per month. So I know that this is a good search phrase to use in order to get Benhomes more website clicks. I have also added the same phrase to the image alt tag. The product description will also match the meta tags.

You see, it’s all about allowing Google to read your site. without the tags, it can’t really see what your business is all about. allowing it to see is one thing but getting it to rank it right is another. That’s were your keyword research comes in. You must spend some time finding out what keywords rank and then you can also rule out some that you might have used until you saw that they have a zero search volume.

I hope that these simple SEO tips have been useful. For help with keyword research you might want to check out NeilPatel’s Uber Suggest Tool

Picture of Rachel Sheridan

Rachel Sheridan

I am the marketing director at Moonshine Internet and JRS Digital and have been working in the industry for almost twenty years. I spend a lot of my time running large marketing campaigns for medium to large businesses. I am passionate about making sure all businesses have the web presence they deserve. With that in mind I decided to offer small business owners the chance to get their website’s seen by the many not just the few.

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